Meeting at Marcel Cachin high school, in Saint-Ouen on September 3, 2020
The meeting with the project manager, Ms. Houpert, allowed us to know the project for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
For MC AGSS students, the organization of the Olympic Games will be an opportunity to geta job in 2024. This is why we must succeed in our year of study and obtain our diploma.
The gameswillalsobe an opportunities to develop more sportingoffer on the wholeterritory and to reach all audiences of differentage groups.
Training has been set up through the "2024: all champions, all champions" program, whichoffers upgrades and training courses.
There willbe more ease of movementwith the creation of pedestrian and cyclist bridges willbecreated in order to reach the structures safely.
We met Maria Ribeiro, Pole Vault Champion. She made us discover the pole vault but also the life of a high level athlete.
Maria is a Portuguese athlete who does all her training in France. It allowed us to discover his sporting world, but also his training, his sports and life fights.
She took us behind the scenes of the Olympic Games in which she participated. It gave us the desire to continue our MC AGSS training and our future ambitions.
Born in : 24 septembre 1985 (35 years)
Place of birth : PARIS
Size : 1,65 M
Weight : 60Kg
Club : SCO Sainte Marguerite
Coach : Sébastien Homo / Discipline : Pole vault
She participated in the Jo 2012 in London
She holds the record for Portugal with 4.50 m outdoors.
On June 25, 2016, she finished 3rd in the Angers French Championships with a jump to 4.20 m.
Le regard des élèves